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Rabu, 07 Februari 2018

Recount Text

  Recount Text
      > Theory
Social Function
Generic Structure
Lexicogrammatical Features
To retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining
1.      Orientation : provide the setting and introduced participants
2.      Events : tell what happen, in what sequence
3.      Re-Orientation : optional (closure of events)  
1.      Focus in specific participants
2.      Use of materials process
3.      Circumstances of time and place
4.      Use of past tense
5.      Use of temporal sequence

>Types Of Recount Text :

   a. Personal Recount
In this type, the story in the recount text directly involves the author of
the story as one of the characters in the story. For example: diary
entries,interviews, and conversations.

   b. Historycal Recount
         Historical recounts are the retelling of factual events that have happened
       in the past. They focus on significant events that involve a larger spectrum
       of people rather than just one person.

   c. Biographycal Recount
          The purpose of a biographical recount is to inform by retelling past
       events and achievements in a person’s life.

> Examples
            Read the following text to answer questions number 1 to 4.
My Holiday in Lombok
I was in my second grade of senior high school when my friends and I went to Lombok for a vacation. It was really great holiday.
            Firstly, we visited Gili Meno beach. The beach was so magnificent, with its white sand and blue sea water. That day, a lot of tourists went there, most of them foreigners. I was also excited when I saw Bryan Adam, the pop singer. I took a photograph with him.
Next day, we started the day by visiting Senggigi beach. We played banana boat and rode the jet ski. It was exciting, even though I fell into the water many times. After that, we went to Pura Batu Bolong, a small temple by the beach. It is a good place to take some photographs. We ended the journey that day by watching the amazing sunset in the beach, as well as the beautiful waves the se could offer.
On the last day, we went to Sasak village. It was a very memorable moment, because I could enjoy their unique culture. We were guided by a local person. He said that Sasak people had inhabited Lombok in ancient times. He also explained the uniqueness of Sasak buildings, that are similar to a warehouse. We also learned to weave, from a Sasak women. We spent almost four hours there. We bought some Sasak souvenirs there.
Sadly, we had to check out of the hotel in the evening. We almost missed the flight home because there was a traffic jam on the way to the airport. Fortunately, the flight got delayed, so we were able to catch the plane. We went back home, taking so many amazing memories of Lombok.   
1.      What is the purpose of the text above ?
a.       To retell the writer`s experience of her holiday in Lombok
b.      To explain the good and bad things about Lombok
c.       To describe the places that the writer visited
d.      To persuade readers to visit Lombok
e.       To inform readers about Lombok
Answer : a

2.      How long did they stay in Lombok ?
a.       For one day
b.      For one week
c.       For three days
d.      For three weeks
e.       The writer doesn`t tell the readers
Answer : c

3.      Where did they play water sports ?
a.       At Singgigi beach
b.      At a Sasak village
c.       At Gili Meno beach
d.      At Batu Bolong beach
e.       Near Batu Bolong beach
Answer : a

4.      “It was a very memorable moment…”(Paragraph 4)
What does the underlined word mean ?
a.       Unforgettable
b.      Un believable
c.       Magnificent
d.      Wonderful
e.       Incredible
Answer : a

Read the following text to answer questions number 5 to 8.
Books are not the only window to the world. There is also television. Television was first invented around the 1880s. Paul Julius Gottlieb Nipkow, a German technician and inventor, invented a spinning disk, which was one of the initial inventions for television transmission. The scanning disk, known as Nipkow disk, reflected a motion picture by spinning disk.
            In the 1920s, many scientists tried to develop Nipkow`s invention and in 1928 General Electric in America created motion picture technology that could be broadcast wirelessly. It still needed improvement, until, in 1939, the first television programs began to be aired and before the Second World War ended, television started to become a succesful invention that made it a common appliance at home. Selling television was profitable in 1945, since the demand of television was increasing.
            After the first colour television program was invented in 1954, television became more popular in Europe and US and it also became a device that had to be owned at home. Around the 1970s, the dominant media was not only books but also television and 24-hour broadcasts with many advertisements and various television shows.
            Satellite television in the 1980s made the invention more modern since live information from all over the world could be acquired, without worrying about different time zones.   
5.      What is the purpose of the text ?
a.       To entertain the reader
b.      To explain television
c.       To tell how to operate television
d.      To retell the history of television
e.       To give two points of view about television
Answer : d

6.      Which of the following statements is correct, based on the text ?
a.       Motion picture technology was created in Europe
b.      The first colour TV program was invented in 1945
c.       Television was invented before the twentieth century
d.      Paul Julius Gottlieb Nipkow was the inventor of television
e.       The invention of the spinning disk led to the invention of television
Answer : e

7.      What was the second stage of the invention of television ?
a.       Wireless motion picture technology
b.      Spinning disk technology
c.       Colour TV programs
d.      Television programs
e.       Satellite television
Answer : a

8.      “...created motion picture technology...” (Paragraph 2)
The underline word has a similar meaning to...
a.       Gesticulation
b.      Movement
c.       Stiffness
d.      Stillness
e.       Static
Answer : b

Read the following text to answer questions number 9 to 10.
Chrismansyah Rahadi (born Christian Rahadi on September 16, 1949 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia), better known by his stage name Chrisye, was an Indonesian progressive-pop singer, of mixed Chinese-Indonesian descent (His mother was Javanese). He died in Jakarta on March 30, 2007 following a long battle with lung cancer. He recorded 21 solo albums in his lifetime. He married in 1982 to G.F. Damayanti Noor, who was also a singer; they had four children.
Chrisye started recording in the band Gipsy in 1969. The band covered music including Procol Harum, King Crimson, ELP, Genesis and Blood, Sweat & Tears, and ventured to the USA to play in New York. The band collaborated in 1976 with Guruh Soekarno Putra, one of the sons of former Indonesian President Soekarno, and brother of Megawati Soekarnoputri, subsequent Indonesian President, on Guruh Gipsy, a progressive rock album that combined prog rock with Balinese gamelan.
His raise to fame came with the release of the movie soundtrack “Badai Pasti Berlalu (The Storm Will Surely Pass)” in 1977. The album was done in collaboration with Eros Jarot (currently a member of Indonesian parliament) and Yockie Suryo Prayogo (a keyboard virtuoso). This album is considered as a major musical landmark in Indonesia.
His first, and most popular solo single was in 1977 with Lilin Lilin Kecil (Little Candles), composed by James F. Sundah.
In 1981 he starred in the film "Seindah Rembulan" (As Beautiful As the Moon).
In 2004, Chrisye made an album titled "Senyawa (One Soul)". In this album, Chrisye did collaborations with other Indonesian popstars, such as Project Pop, Ungu, Peterpan, etc.
9.      What is the purpose of the text?
a.          To describe the reader`s a short biographical of chrisye
b.         To explain chrisye career`s
c.          To retell the biographical of chrisye
d.         To entertain the reader
e.          To tell how the achievement of chrisye during his life
Answer : c

10.  Which of the following statements is correct based on the text¸except?
a.       He was born September 16 , 1949 in Yogyakarta Indonesia
b.      He recorded 21 solo albums in his lifetime
c.       He died following a long battle with depression
d.      He died in Jakarta on March 30, 2007
e.       He was an progressive pop singer
                                     Answer : c

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Recount Text

  Recount Text           > Theory Social Function Generic Structure Lexicogrammatical Features To rete...